Who is Shubhamraj Singh?

Shubhamraj Singh is a Full-Stack Digital Marketer/ Growth hacker/ Web designer/ Enterprenuer/ Computer Science Engineer/ Dreamer/ Learner/ Human/ In-a-path of becoming MBA(marketing)/ etc.

He is just another human out of 7.7 billions people living on this planet earth 🌏 who believes in making the world a better place 😊

He looks something like the below image.

Shubhamraj Singh

What Is Domain Name?

Domain name is the name of the website for “shubhamrajsingh.com” is a domain name.

To learn more about domain name click here.

What Is Web Hosting?

Web hosting is a server where all your website files and folders are stored so anyone over internet can view your website.

To learn more about web hosting  click here.

Do I Have to Buy Domain Name & Web Hosting?

YES, you have to buy domain name and web hosting.

Are You A Domain Name & Web Hosting Service Provider?

NO, we are not a service provider for domain name or web hosting right now. But in future we may provide these services.

What Is WordPress?

WordPress is a most popular CMS platform which can be used to create websites.

To learn more about wordpress click here

Do You Use WordPress?

YES, we use wordpress for our plans like Bronze, Silver, Gold & Platinum.

To learn more about why we use wordpress click here

Do You Use Pre-Built Themes?

YES, we use pre built themes depending on client requirements.

Do You Build Custom Theme For Website?

YES, we do build custom layout theme depending on client’s requirement.

Why Do You Put Your Logo And Branding On My Website?

Why do Lamborghini put their logo on their cars? Why do Rolex put their logo on their watches? We believe that we are a group of artists who creates masterpiece websites and we are really proud of it. We want people to know about the creators of the masterpiece website.

Do You Work Only With Big Brands?

NO, we are know to build masterpiece websites for  Individuals, Small, Medium & Large Organizations.

Do Work On International Or Domestic Projects?

We work on both international as well as domestic projects. We have clients from almost every continents, Obviously not from Antarctica 🏔️ so far .

Why You Have Only 3 Websites In Your Portfolio?

We cannot display 100’s of websites screenshots on our homepage. If we do, it will make our homepage slow

Do You Provide Support After Final Delivery Of Website?

YES, we do provide support after final delivery and have a special plan for it. We highly recommend you to take our website maintenance plan to make sure your website run smoothly without any hassle. 

Do You Charge For Website Proposals / Quotations?

NO, we do don’t charge anything for website proposal / quotation.

To get free proposal / quotation for your website click here

How Much Time It Will Take To Get My Website Built?

It totally depends on the requirements and functionality of website. However we deliver fully functional responsive website in a range of 1 weeks to 1 month depending on the complexity of website.

Do You Provide Website Security And SEO?

YES, we take security of our client website’s very seriously that’s why we provide integration with SSL, Recaptcha, Dos Protection, etc. We create every website on WordPress which is very SEO-Friendly and we use our skills and techniques to make website more SEO-Friendly. However we only provide security plugin integration for Bronze Plan Website.

Are Your Websites Mobile Friendly?

YES, every website we built are mobile-friendly.

Where Are Your Company/Team Based?

All over the globe, We are a remote team.

Do You Charge Full Payment In Advance For Website Creation?

NO, we follow 50%-25%-25% policy.

50% is charged in advance to start the work.

25% is charged when website is almost completed.

25% is charged after completion of the work.

Who Owns The Copyright For My Website?

Once all payment is cleared by your side, we will release an admin id & password to you. You will own the copyright of your website.

Why You Provide Free Website Under Bronze Plan?

We see many people wanted to start their website but unfortunately due to some unknown reasons they never start. That’s why we decided to build websites for them. Because we know how a website can change their lives and their businesses. Although we create a basic website for free, we cannot buy a domain name and web hosting for them. And we also believes in making the world a better place 🌌.

Do You Create Logos?

YES, we do create logos. Our every web design plan consist of logo creations as well (excluding bronze plan). We also provide logo creation separately.